The environment and the effects humans have on it have always been something people have discussed but it has come to the forefront now more than ever as global warming continues to wreak havoc on our earth and the people that live on it. With storm systems changing as well as weather patterns, it is hard to ignore the changes that seem to be happening more and more every year. Because of this, careers in the environmental sciences like geotechnical engineering are becoming more necessary than ever to try to help the environment. This article will discuss some of the top five schools in the United States that have environmental science programs and how you can become a geotechnical engineer among other jobs that may help the environment.
Stanford University in California has the school of life sciences that promotes the learning and the understanding of the earth and what happens to it when people are irresponsible and the effects that behavior has on the environment. The curriculum for geological and environmental science undergraduate students take many courses in the earth sciences as well as have a six week course of field study and research where they can really get a better understanding of the things they have learned in the classroom.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus has the college of agricultural consumer and environmental sciences and is the top school in the Midwest for this kind of degree. This particular college was created in 1867 and they have the reputation for extensive research studies in environmental sciences. One example is a recent study done on herbicide drift. They also have a lot of clubs that support the students that are studying in these areas like The Forestry club that help clean up parks and plant trees. Other clubs are the Herbs/Horticulture club that takes care of flowers, plants and herbs and the Fish and Wildlife club that explores the various animals found in their natural environments.
Another top school is Yale University in Connecticut that has the school of forestry and environmental sciences and the degrees in this area have only been added in 1998. The building for this degree uses solar power to heat the water, rainwater harvesting and geothermal heating as well. Students at Yale also are lucky to have access to the largest library in the world and labs with the latest technology to support the various degrees in environmental studies that are offered there. Although the program at Yale is only a little over ten years old, it is now ranked in the top five in the United States and is known throughout the world.
The final school is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that has the department of civil and environmental engineering. This degree helps the student to understand the earth's system and how to use technology to fit environmental requirements. Students that study environmental engineering take several interesting courses like hydrology and environmental law. MIT continues to excel in areas of engineering and this is no exception.