วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

More Business Coaching & Strategic Planning Success Stories

It is a real great feeling to be able to share additional affirmations of success in someone's life or business. This month, In the spirit of continuing to celebrate success and sharing positive stories of success in what we do, I want to talk about Darek Potter and Harbor Engineering, Inc.

Darek Potter, P.E., Founder and President of Harbor Engineering, Inc. was referred to me during his first year in business. After we met, Darek made a very important decision that many business owners put off for years. Darek committed to developing a strategic plan and an Action Plan to direct and manage the growth of his civil engineering and landscape architecture business. Darek and his staff were involved in developing the strategic plan, which included a vision statement, a mission statement, a list of company core values and a list of short and long term goals. My role was as a facilitator, guide and business coach. Harbor Engineering, Inc. has experienced growth in number of employees and number of clients and continues to grow toward the established vision for the company. After 2004 ended, I asked Darek to share with me his thoughts on our strategic planning process and coaching and how the business performed. Here is what Darek said:

"Glenn's ability to envision what is right for our Company and his assistance in developing our Strategic Plan has been extremely helpful in guiding our Company to where it is today."

Darek Potter, P.E., President of Harbor Engineering, Inc.

My congratulations to Darek and his staff for a very successful year and special kudos for deciding to start thinking strategically the first year in business! And thank you Darek!

No matter how big or small your business is today or how many years you have been in business, you can still benefit from strategic thinking and planning.

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